We are so excited for the Urbana's Market at the Square tomorrow 10/21/23!!
This is only a portion of what we’ll have including …
Apple Jelly
Blackberry Jelly
Blackberry-Lemon Jam
Blueberry Jam
Blueberry-Strawberry Jam
Raspberry Jalapeno Jam
Raspberry Jelly ($9)
Raspberry Jam
Strawberry Jam
Strawberry-Cranberry Jam
Sunflower Jelly (Sunflowers from Twin Acre Farms!)
… and more!!!
Timmy’s Chow-Chow Relish
Timmy’s Corn Relish
Timmy’s Pickled Okra
Sweet Relish
Zesty Zucchini Relish
Britney Spears (Bread & Butter)
Britney Spears Slices (Bread & Butter)
Dill Spears
Dill Slices
Mild/Medium/Hot Salsa
Low-Sodium Tomato Soup
Red Pepper Soup
Slightly-Spicey Pizza Sauce
Zesty Zpaghetti Zauce
… and (maybe) even more. Depends on how this evening goes 😊
There are only two markets left, y'all! We hope to see you tomorrow, and please let us know what we should make for you for the last market. We will not be at the indoor market this year, so we'll have to keep in touch via email and our website. Look to see us all over social media during the off-season, and join Sue at Parkland College on November 18th from 9am -- noon for her first-ever canning class on Strawberry Jam and Blackberry Jam. See you tomorrow! ~Sue & Tim