Sunday in the Garden 9/18/22
Tiger Gardens Blog
I'm so excited to share with you weekly what we're doing in the garden to grow our veggies for our canned goods and take you through the canning process so you can see what we're making each week.
8/7/22: Double Grand Champion, Tim Tiger!
Jelly-making Masterclass Final Project: Making and then re-setting Dandelion jelly. 7/17/22
Hidden Trea$ure$: 7/14/22
Weeding with Sindee, our stirrup hoe, 7/11/22:
Checking in on garden progress, 7/4/22:
6/26/22: Sunday in the Garden -- all planted!
6/19/22: Juneteenth Sunday in the Garden. We're having SEX!!
Making Dandelion Jelly: 5/29/22:
Cleaning up the garden from '21 and planting seeds, 3/20/22:
3/6/22: Sunday in the Garden + seedlings update:
2/27/22: Sunday in the Garden: Canning Hot Pepper Jelly!
Sunday in the Garden 2/20/22: Fixing leggy seedlings: Update 2/27/22!
Groundhog Day seedling check
1/23/22: Sunday in the Garden: Canning Grilled Peach Jelly
Sunday in the Garden 1/9/22
Where did 2021 go???
Come out to the Farmer's Market!
Sunday in the Garden! 4/18/21
Making Sweet & Hot Pepper Relish -- Sunday in the Garden 11/29/20